It all began in 1827 in Sansepolcro (Arezzo), in the heart of Tuscany, with mother Giulia and Giovanni Buitoni. The founder of the Buitoni family was so good at making pasta at home that her products soon began to be in demand in neighboring countries and, then, further and further away. It was Giovanni Buitoni who in 1870 gave the industrial imprint to the small shop set up by his parents; in that year the pasta factory won the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition in Paris. In 1879, thanks to the active collaboration of the other brothers, the company was called “Gio. & F.lli Buitoni “and its first logo consisted of a star with the acronym of the official name; it will be accompanied by logotypes that will be influenced by the liberty style with graceful and fluttering characters.

In 1884, gluten-free pasta was presented for the first time; on some labels appeared certificates and certificates issued by the major medical authorities of the time as well as the approval, in 1907, of the Royal family.

At the beginning of the Thirties Federico Seneca (see Perugina) designed the new brand characterized by capital letters and full-bodied; this logo will live for forty years except for some slight changes to the lettering. In 1969 there was the merger by incorporation of Buitoni into Perugina and, in the same year, the creation of “Industrie Buitoni Perugina” with its own logo.

In 1985 the Buitoni logo was restyled and the name was inscribed in a yellow and red ovoid frame; note the imposing initial letter and the dots on the capital letters “i”.

In 1988 Buitoni was acquired by Nestlé and a new logo was designed featuring graceful and capitalized lettering as well as underlining as a guarantee of authenticity for the consumer. In 2011 there is a restyling operation aimed at lightening the character traits.

Faced with growing competition, in 2017 Buitoni decided to affirm its leadership by enhancing its historical know-how and its superior organoleptic quality by entrusting the project of the new visual identity to the French agency Lonsdale. In the green oval, the logo incorporates the “Casa Buitoni” to create a link between history and Italian roots.

In 2024 the logo underwent a restyling with the logotype emerging from the oval and with the founding date arranged in an arch above it.