Telecommunications company for the fixed and mobile market in Italy. Its history must necessarily be linked to that of the two companies that merged in 2020: “Wind” and “3 Italia”. The history of Wind (from the English “wind”) began in 1998 when Enel, France Telecom and Deutsche Telecom decided to create a joint venture to obtain the license for fixed and mobile telephony services in Italy. In 1999, the logo was presented, designed by Annamaria Testa and Paolo Rossetti: the writing in capital letters in orange with a gestural blue “W” above it and the orange point positioned precisely in correspondence with the letter “I”. According to the designers it represents a stylized man who, with a breath of wind, comes to life by opening his arms like antennas to pick up signals.

In 2002 Wind incorporated Infostrada (a company founded by Olivetti in 1996 with a logo recognizable by the green color) which modifies and adjusts its logo through successive phases, adapting it to the orange and blue colors.

The telephone company “3 Italia”, on the other hand, was founded in 1999 with the name Andala by Tiscali, Franco Bernabè and the San Paolo group, but in 2000 it was acquired by the Chinese group “CK Hutchison”, changing the institutional name to H3G Italia (acronym of “Hutchison 3G” in which the number “3” indicated third generation mobile technology). In 2002, the first logo was formed by the three-dimensional white number “3”, with characterizations evoking the Chinese dragon, with shades inside that could be of different colors.

In 2007, the entire number 3 contains the shades of color. In 2010 the logo was modified with a monochrome outline version; even the layout of the points of sale and the advertising communication use only black and white. In addition, the “” logo (and pay-off) appears below the number, which refers to the company website.

In 2016 there was the equal merger between the two companies (“Wind” and “3 Italia”) even if the two logos continued to operate separately, trying to focus each on different targets: “Wind” for family customers and “3 Italia” for the younger and more technically advanced one. Graphically, the visual identity provided only for the juxtaposition of the logos, kept in their original version, separated only by a central black line.

In 2020 the company has officialised the real merger; instead of thinking of a completely new logo, it used the graphic synthesis of the two previous logos. In particular, there was the change of the name to “Windtre” (without space and all caps) and the new orange color mark (historical color of Wind) with rounded and “liquid” shapes so that the white lines of the three-dimensionality seem to connect the two logos in a single body. The company name is composed with the gray capital Gotham Medium; to address the new challenges of the telecommunications sector, the pay-off chosen underlines this complete unification with “The largest network in Italy”.